The litter  “R” is programmed or the end of JanuaryYoung Osve aeric, floating in the air

full of promise, resulting from the marriage of “Kubilai” with a desert breed “Osve” imported into Germany from the United States.

Kubilaï min al Asifé



 Young Osve : aeric, floating in the air




Kubilaï Min al Asifé       X      Melik Boorchin Osve Ravan Bacht 


Marriage has been consumed on the 1st of december 2017

24956957_1587807794633224_107308687_oKubilaï X Osve

Here we are, 18th days of gestation :

1st ultrasound picture such as 2 eyes observing


35th days of gestation

To see us grow here
